
Autumn, is possibly my favourite season of all. A season of grounding and harvesting all of what you have achieved so far in the year.

A season that sees great shifts. Autumn can begin with beautiful Indian Summers-prolonging the inevitable cold and darkness of the end of November. After all the energy and the intense heat of summer, the bountiful Autumn produce is needed to feed our skin and regain our self-care routines. Just as the trees let go of their leaves during Autumn. It is time for us to shed anything that is weighing heavy within us.

Words for the season:

Grounding. Repair. Natural food. The lungs. Vitamin A. Organise. Internal. Healing foods. Nature. Breathe. Boundaries. Remedy. Gut health. Nutrient-rich. Damage control.

Autumn affirmation -

“I let go of my resistance to change and embrace all the possibilities coming my way.”

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”

— Emily Bronte

Autumn nutrition & lifestyle journals