"I'm reading so much and exposing myself to so many new ideas. It almost feels like the chemistry and the structure of my brain is changing so rapidly sometimes.”

Emma Watson

The radiant book club

New for 2024, a monthly book club exploring topics related to mind-body-soul radiance, nutrition, and wellness.

I love to read and expand my world through reading. I thought I would share what I am currently reading so that you can follow along and be inspired. I would also love to have insightful discussions about the topics with like minded people.

Each month I will select a new book that covers topics ranging from building healthy habits, optimal nutrition and self care. I’ll also include some fictional books that are inspirational and uplifting.

I’m looking forward to having some engaging and enlightening chats around them with you. I’ll review each book at the end of the month, however, I’ll also be discussing each book on my socials. Do come and find me @theradiantnutritionist .

Current read -

The Circadian Code

I have long been interested in the natural rhythms within us in particular our circadian rhythm.  “The Circadian Code" by Satchin Panda is a book that explores the science of circadian rhythms and how they impact our health. Satchin discusses how our modern lifestyles, with artificial lighting, a go-go schedule, and lack of sleep have disrupted the natural internal circadian rhythms within us and therefore are contributing to many of the health issues we are facing.

The book discusses how the circadian rhythm impacts our metabolism, hormone production, and immune function. Through practical tips, Satchin guides the reader towards how to use their circadian rhythm to increase longevity, health, and wellness.